Backstory of The Doors and Me

The truth is, I don’t have a ton of history with The Doors. I have several small samples of memories, but The Doors are not at the forefront.

JFK and Oliver Stone

Somehow I dodged having Mr. Sabatino in high school. Besides being the Martins Ferry High School basketball coach, this history teacher was known for his fascination with the JFK assassination. I knew, slightly, about this whole ordeal, but ten years later I would become more involved than many Coach Sab himself.

Lauren’s dad told me about the film JFK. He rented it from the library and we sat down and watched it one night. Lauren fell asleep on the couch and I finished the movie. Not only did I love the storytelling, but I also bought it all. The conspiracy theory ran through my brain and I needed more. I found myself searching online for information and renting DVDs (documentaries) about JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, and anyone else connected to the case. I was borderline obsessed.

So what does this have to do with The Doors? Well, it just so happens that Oliver Stone was the director of JFK. I thought that since I liked this movie so much, I should sample some of his other movies. I watched Natural Born Killers, Nixon, W., and finally The Doors. None of these movies held up to JFK, but this was my first time learning about the crazy Jim Morrison.

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