Ranking Update 28.0 – The Doobie Brothers
The Doobie Brothers could have gone either way. I knew of the top 10-20 songs but had no idea if their entire catalog would be comparable. It doesn’t seem like anyone really talked about The Doobie Brothers or claim them to be some iconic group. I was thinking they were very similar to The Guess…

Ranking Update 27.0 – Nirvana
Nirvana seemed a bit better in 2007 – before I listened to every track they produced. How did they make out in 2020?

Ranking Update 26.0 – REM
REM ranks the same in 2020 as they did in 2007 – but they actually passed up a group in the process. Find out why and how.

Ranking Update 25.0 – Cake
Cake (the band) was not on my original list. I was lucky that they made Todd’s list. Thus, I discovered some great tunes and they jumped a few classics.

Ranking Update 24.0 – Eagles
Jumping 12 full bands is an accomplishment only done by Queen. See how the Eagles ranked in 2020 compared to 2007.

Ranking Update 23.0 – Jethro Tull
Jethro Tull won’t see much movement (right now) but it’s hard to believe they were ranked so high years ago.

Ranking Update 22.0 – Tool
Tool jumps the line because of a brotherly request. Can Tool go from unknown to top-ranked? Find out how and why Tool is skipping ahead.

Ranking Update 21.0 – Creedence Clearwater Revival
CCR moves up the ranks – even with the few albums that they put out. Swamp Rock came into my life early on and I must like it far better now than in 07.

Ranking Update 20.0 – Richard Marx
Richard Marx was a big hit in the early ’90s. He was a favorite, even though controversial, of mine in 2007. Would his latest songs hurt his rank?

Ranking Update 19.0 – The Guess Who
The Guess Who gave me the hardest time collecting all of their songs – but their outcome wasn’t much different than in 07.