Backstory of Tool and Me

Palette Cleanse on the TodCast

The Music Ranked Website started out as a sandbox project. My main goal was to use WordPress 5.0 (known as Gutenberg) without any stress or consequence. Migrating a clients website and breaking something would not be a good to learn the new update. Instead, I thought I would put together a side project and document my music ranking journey.

I’ve always included my brother in the mix. Mostly asking his opinion on ranking strategy and possible formulas. Occasionally he would have me guest on his podcast, aptly named the TodCast. We had several conversations about music and one was pretty detailed about my scoring algorithm.

After a few months of being a guest, Todd suggested I become a regular. As co-host, I would like to pull a little more weight and supply show topics. I suggested that I think we could gain some listeners by reviewing bands. I noticed over the last year that there are some gaps in podcasts when it comes to reviewing bands. Maybe we could grab a few extra ears if someone was specifically searching for podcasts about “band”. We figured a category of shows on Music Ranked! made sense.

Todd and I went through each group from my 2007 list. Luckily for Todd, he enjoys most of my early groups. We hammered out ten episodes when we had an idea. Wouldn’t it be nice to review some of Todd’s favorites. He managed to make his own list one weekend and we compared notes. Turns out Tool was the highest ranked on his list that doesn’t show up on mine at all.

After talking about Chicago and Peter Cerera – Todd called for a palette cleanse and we would do the full treatment on Tool.

Unfortunately, I have zero side stories or memories associated with the band – except for this new memory made during COVID-19. Maybe when I do an update in 10-years I will speak again about this time discovering a new band.

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