Phil Collins is a late discovery. Not super late, but it had to be a high school discovery. I don’t remember my dad, brother, sister, mom, friend – anyone listening to Phil. Where did he come from? Your guess is as good as mine.
House of Hersey
Since my origin story of Phil Collins is lost in the ethos – let’s talk about something else lost out there. When I was learning how to make websites, I made a portfolio site in pure HTML. Picture your early ‘00s website. Frames and blocky, the website was called “House of Hersey”. I showcased my graphics and work.

Besides just making random graphics, I found that iron-on T-shirt’s weren’t that hard to make. I also had several individuals willing to buy some shirts. As you might be able to guess, I made a Phil Collins shirt. It was a standard ‘80s Phil graphic – wearing a silly hat and looking like Phil. Underneath in uppercase Impact font – Got Phil?. I made one for myself. It would come in handy in a few years.
Belmont Tech Speech Class
I graduated from High School and headed to Belmont Technical College to get some associate degrees. I mapped out my next few years and found out I could get three degrees in two years – for free. Like many from Martins Ferry, I went using a basic Ohio scholarship that everyone qualified for. I had to hustle, but it paid off.
In what was probably the tail end of my first year, I had to take a speech class. I was ‘cutting’ wrestling promos for years so I wasn’t very intimidated. After the first few classes, we had to present our first speech.
All of my speeches were comedic. I presented the material in a serious fashion – but everyone knew I was being ironic. Several speeches were:
- Great Men with Beards
- Celebrity Feuds
- The Origins of Vent Gnomes
- Phil Collins
I did a persuasive speech on why we should create a holiday in Phil Collins honor. This was 2004ish, so there was no real reason to highlight Phil Collins. I presented my facts and a very compelling argument. The class and instructor seemed entertained. I wore my Phil Collins T-Shirt.