Ranking Update 24.0 – Eagles

The Eagles made a huge jump (Queen-like jump) in 2020.

Originally ranked #22 of the 2007 list, the Eagles discography was kind and full of 4 and 5-star songs. Did I know that I liked the Eagles? Maybe. I mean, being in the top 30 is an accomplishment in its own right. I guess I didn’t realize that I liked their music more than The Moody Blues or America.

The biggest shocker for me was the consistency and the fact that the Eagles were really only making new albums for one decade. It didn’t hurt that the decade was the 70s – when music was fantastic. They did manage to put together a late 2000s album – and that only hurt their score. Without that, they might find themselves really upsetting some of my favorites.

Overall, the Eagles jumped to the #10 spot and pushed aside Chicago. Will they stay in the top ten? Not sure – there are a lot of quality groups coming up. I’m sure they are happy sitting there for now.

Read my full artist breakdown of the Eagles

Next Artist: Cake

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