Ranking Update 14.0 – Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi might not look like they moved much at all in 2019. Actually, they jumped CSNY and gained a spot. I have a feeling this is very misleading.

When I went through and listened to all of Bon Jovi’s songs (not Jon’s solo work), it was very apparent I liked them a lot more in 2007 than I do today. I also imagine that I like them a lot more in 2002 than I did in 2007. Wonder what I will think of them in 2025?

This was very much a phase in my life where I discovered early Bon Jovi and went with it. If I discovered him in 2007 for the first time, they might be viewed as Ratt or Poison. The fact was, Jon Bon Jovi had cool hair and I wanted cool looking hair.

I’m sure there was more to it, but I can’t imagine Bon Jovi staying in the top twenty by the end of this ranking process. Currently, they rank 12 out of 14. They were 13 out of 169 in 2007.

I’m curious to see where they end up when I am on artist 169.

Read my full breakdown on Bon Jovi.

Next up: America

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