Ranking Update 4.0 – Boston

If you are following along and looking for big changes – I apologize. The top three artists have been ranked and I don’t know if there will ever be a lot of movement.

The Beatles, Journey, and “Weird Al” are all pretty important to me. Not only do they make awesome music, they hold sentimental value in one way or the other.

Boston on the other hand might be the first group that can lose their spot. They were ranked forth in ’07 and have that spot in ’19 (for now).

They scored well and have some amazing hits, but I think the Eric Hersey of yester-year thought they had more hits than they really did. Boston has one awesome album, one great album, and one good album. The other three are okay at best.

I will not be surprised if they move down (but still might be top ten). Things are going to get interesting.

Read my full breakdwon on Boston.

Next up: Electric Light Orchestra

(I bet they jump Boston.)

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